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ICUB BULLETIN Summer 2018 Published by the IOWA COUNCIL OF THE UNITED BLIND Web An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind Carrie Chapman, President 200 Parkview Dr. Waukee, IA 50263 (515) 657-1461 E-Mail: Norma A. Boge, Co-Editor 2324 Riverwoods Ave. Des Moines, IA 50320-2808 (515) 288-1938 E-Mail: Don Wirth, Co-Editor 921 – 9th St., #208 Ames, IA 50010 (515) 451-3779 E-Mail: SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: The ICUB Bulletin is available in large print, via email, and on an NLS-compliant digital audio cartridge. To subscribe to the cartridge edition, please contact the Iowa Department for the Blind Library at 515-281-1368 or in Iowa 800-362-2587, ext. 1-1368. Please direct other questions about format and address changes to Co-Editor Norma A. Boge. SELECTING ICUB AS A BENEFICIARY If you or a friend would like to remember the Iowa Council of the United Blind in your will, you may do so by using the following language: “I grant, devise, or bequeath unto the Iowa Council of the United Blind, a non-profit charitable organization, the sum of ______ dollars, ____ percent of my net estate, or the following stocks and bonds (please list them) to be used for its worthy purposes on behalf of blind persons.” If your wishes are more complex, you may have your attorney call (515) 279-4284, or write Iowa Council of the United Blind, 4013 30TH Street, Des Moines, IA 50310. DONATING YOUR VEHICLE TO BENEFIT ICUB Do you need to dispose of a used vehicle? ICUB's Used Vehicle Donation Program offers a perfect solution. Your vehicle will be picked up from your home and sold at auction. A portion of the proceeds go directly to ICUB. You claim a tax deduction equal to the dollar value of the vehicle. Call 800-899-4925 for more information. SHOPPING TO BENEFIT ICUB! Are you an online shopper? You can help ICUB secure some additional funds when you shop at There, enter your e-mail address and password. You will be prompted to shop for the charity Amazon is promoting that day or to select your own. In the dialog box for selecting your own, type our name, Iowa Council of the United Blind. We will be the charity of choice each time you shop at ICUB will receive 0.5% of the value of purchases. If you do not yet have an account at Amazon, go to their website, establish an account, and then go to to make your purchases. Happy shopping! Contents

President’s Message

By Carrie Chapman

Hello ICUB members and friends,

How is it possible that we are half way through the year already? I hope everyone has been enjoying the summer and staying cool. My second grandson is due any day now. And Aydin, my first one, is starting to talk and run around. He is so much fun and such a blessing.

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who attended and was able to listen in on our convention last April. It was a jammed packed weekend with lots of valuable information. We had speakers to cover just about anyone’s interests, tons of exhibitors eager and willing to share information, and even some four legged critters. A special thanks to our planning committee and many volunteers. We absolutely would not be able to do our convention without you.

A few weeks ago you sent me to the ACB National Convention, in St. Louis, Missouri. Along with me, we had approximately 21 people join us from across Iowa! Although the Union Station Hotel proved to be challenging for everyone, we managed with the help of many wonderful volunteers from all over the United States. During the convention, ACB President Kim Charlson announced the U.S. Senate passage of the Marrakech Treaty. They have no reason to believe this will not pass through the House of Representatives. Once this is done this will allow accessible material to be made available and shared internationally. This is a good example of what our voice can do. Thank you for the opportunity to attend this conference and convention. I always learn so much and will be sharing more with you throughout the year. If you would like to listen to the convention archives go to

The app I want to tell you about this time is Microsoft Soundscape. Microsoft Soundscape uses 3D audio technology to enhance your awareness of what is around you, and thereby help you get around and explore your surroundings. You can set a beacon of where you want to go. It can tell you what direction you are facing and even alert you to street names that are coming up. It has many great features and is constantly improving. The only drawback that I have found is it drains my battery life fairly quickly. I would suggest making sure when you are done using this that it is not still running in the background.

Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your summer.

By Don Wirth

At the ICUB state convention and conference in April, two board members stepped down from the ICUB board of directors: Mike Hoenig and Linda Manders Gonzales. Both have been long time members of ICUB and will continue their membership. Both contributed greatly to the advancement of ICUB during their tenure on the board.

Being a board member represents a special dedication to our organization. Much of their work is not seen, but our organization would be much the poorer if the board members did not step forward to put in the extra effort.

We would like to extend a big thank you to Mike and Linda for their work.

Speaking of special effort, how about Norma Boge? This issue represents the last with Norma as co-editor. Over the last several years, Norma and I have worked together to put out these issues. I can truthfully say that Norma has borne the lion’s share of the work. She has done the lay-out, made the material fit the space available, edited and wrote articles, managed the publication and distribution of the various formats of the publication and many, many more tasks.

Perhaps our greatest accomplishment as co-editors was the retirement of cassette distribution without losing contact with those who read the Bulletin in this format. Norma provided the shepherding and prodding to bring this process to fruition.

On behalf of all readers of the Bulletin, all of ICUB and most personally myself, a huge thank you to Norma for all your work. We will miss you and can only hope the Bulletin is as good a publication without you as it has been with you.

By Jackie Armstrong

Hello dear ICUB friends! I am happy to announce that the Schwann’s fundraising project has contributed $223.00 to ICUB through mid-June. Thanks to everyone that participated. This fundraising campaign ended on July 18th. But we plan to continually reactivate it, so I encourage everyone to give it a try if you haven’t already. Ordering is simple, just call 855-870-7208, and place your order for campaign #36462. I recommend ordering the pizzas or the signature ice cream bars!

We are also recommending an easy and simple fundraising opportunity you can do to help support our wonderful organization by simply posting a campaign on Facebook. Carrie Chapman recently posted and asked her Facebook friends to make a contribution to ICUB on her birthday. This simple gesture raised $300! This can be done by any of us, and if you are interested in following suit, go to or contact Carrie to guide you through the process!

You too can be active in ICUB by volunteering to participate on the fundraising committee. We need your ideas, knowledge or experience! Give me a call or drop me a line anytime at 641-590-6755 or at

By Teresa Gregg

During the ICUB State Convention in April, the Membership Committee gave out four awards which consisted of a metal key chain with the word “faith” embossed in braille and print with a cross cut out:

· Team Awesome – awarded to Lori Trujillo on behalf of the Des Moines Chapter for all her hard work on behalf of ICUB

· Ace of Initiative – awarded to Don Wirth for stepping up and being involved in several ICUB committees and for his experience and knowledge he is willing to share

· Standing Ovation – awarded to Norma Boge for her dedication to the ICUB Bulletin as she steps down from her role as co-editor this summer

· Constant Contributor – awarded to Catherine Witte for her dedication to ICUB and for being an invaluable and superb State Secretary

A train whistle was brought to the ICUB State Convention and each time the whistle blew everyone stood up and cheered “we can unite the blind”. It was a fun and energetic motivator from the Membership Committee which was streamed live on ACB Radio by Tyler Juranek. Maybe we were able to help motivate other chapters listening in to ACB Radio that weekend.

By Becky Dunkerson

Hello everyone, this is Becky Dunkerson. I want to first of all thank each of you for being a part of ICUB whether you are in my chapter (Des Moines), or another in the state of Iowa. Because of ICUB and you, I was a lucky recipient of the DKM (Durward K McDaniel) First Timers Scholarship award from ACB. Durward was a founding father of ACB and was instrumental in moving it forward. This scholarship is awarded to one person east of the Mississippi and one person west of the Mississippi. It is available every year. Qualifications are to be blind or visually impaired, submit an application along with a letter of recommendation, and never attended a national convention. This scholarship gave me the opportunity to attend my first ever ACB National Convention in St. Louis. The national convention was more than I ever imagined in many ways. It gave me the opportunity to experience first-hand sessions with useful and meaningful information. It allowed me the opportunity to meet new people and gain new friends from other states and allowed me the opportunity to get to know ICUB members as well. This in itself was an experience to say the least. I met a wonderful woman from Pennsylvania and can say that we will become better friends after getting back home.

The exhibit hall was packed with many booths of various vendors and companies. A lot of technology devices for all levels of low vision and blindness with representatives that know their stuff. While their intent is to sell you products, the main goal is to give you hands on time with many of them and allow you to learn what is available.

While I returned home exhausted and filled with resourceful information, I am very grateful to have had this opportunity and experience. If you are wishing you would have been able to attend or have the inner desire to attend the ACB national convention, rest assured there are future opportunities. 2019 will be in Rochester, New York and 2020 will again be within reach, in Schaumberg, Illinois. Another great opportunity to represent Iowa and the Midwest.

Thank you for being a part of ICUB and thank you for allowing me to represent our state affiliate.

By Teresa Gregg

In the last issue of the ICUB Bulletin we began to transform you by re-evaluating your legacy and values. In this issue we will be talking about your temperament. Temperament is how you behave or how you act and re-act.


List three adjectives that describe your temperament.

List three adjectives that you think others would use to describe your temperament.

After reviewing your values and the two previous questions, describe how you would like to demonstrate your temperament.

For more information about coaching contact Teresa Gregg, certified life coach, at 402.980.9980 or

Summaries of ICUB Board Meeting Minutes

By Catherine Witte

Summaries of approved minutes of several ICUB State Board Meeting actions follow. The meetings occurred on December 12, 2016; March 2, September 5, and two meetings on September 21, 2017; and February 8, 2018. A summary of the 2017 Annual ICUB State Convention elections and business meeting held on April 20-21 is also included although the minutes will not be considered or approved until April 15, 2018.

December 12, 2016: A quorum of Board members was present as were Chapter Presidents. Other than motions passed to approve standard reports—minutes of the previous meeting and the Treasurer’s Report—no other motions were made or considered.

March 2, 2017: There was not a quorum of State Board members present. Fifteen ICUB members attended. There were no reports presented or motions offered or considered. No official Board actions were taken. The primary purpose was to give an update and discuss the Iowa Department for the Blind’s dismissal of another ten people, primarily from the Library staff.

September 5, 2017: A quorum of Board members was present, as were four of the five Chapter Presidents. Minutes of the previous meeting and the Treasurer’s report were considered, moved and approved. A review of how we currently handle documentation and reimbursement of Conference expenses with ACB staff has resulted in some recommendations from them to assure proper documentation of such expenses. In the future, individual Chapters or the State may continue to recommend a maximum dollar amount to be spent on any individual(s)’ attendance at such Conferences. The individual must document all expenses for which he or she is seeking reimbursement and submit those receipts in order to claim authorized funding. This led to discussion of how to proceed when an attendee is not in a position to cover expenses and await reimbursement which led to a discussion of whether the State ICUB organization should acquire a credit or debit card. An ad hoc committee was appointed to explore the issue and make recommendations to the Board at a later date.

It was reported that our website is down. We are unable to access it because payment and authorized access was linked to CIP’s credit card, user name and password which we do not have. Board members have investigated other options for hosting the website and establishing access through HostGator. A motion was made to purchase a prepaid credit card to cover website maintenance costs seconded, discussed, and rescinded. A second motion to allow the activation of a prepaid credit card for no more than $600.00 to be used solely to restore and maintain access to our website was made by Tyler Juranek. Donna Seliger seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

No other motions were made or acted upon. Committee reports on the 2018 ICUB State Convention, membership and fundraising were given. The membership committee is working on tool kits for the Chapters and a Braille alphabet card with information about ICUB included on it. Discussion of fundraising options beyond our current efforts with Younkers coupon books and Amazon Smile resulted in a decision to pursue the Schwan’s Cares program.

September 21, 2017 (1st session): A quorum was present. Standard reports were not considered at this or the second meeting conducted on September 21. Both meetings were focused on considering and approving a drafted credit card policy for the organization. The draft had been sent to Board members. An ad hoc committee determined that a credit card was needed to pay for website fees, authorized travel costs and state hotel convention expenses. A policy will be developed to cover what travel expenses shall be covered for national meetings and how those will be documented. Three cards, each with a unique number, will be provided to the ICUB’s president, treasurer and secretary minimizing change. When one person leaves office, only one card needs a replacement. ICUB will be responsible for only $50.00 of any fraudulent charges should a card be lost or stolen. A change was suggested in the draft policy which referred to ICUB’s travel policy which does not yet exist. That phrase was omitted. Don Wirth moved and Robert Spangler seconded adoption of the credit card policy as drafted, excluding the reference in Section V to a “travel policy.” The motion passed unanimously.

September 21, 2017 (2nd session): The same quorum of members was present as at the earlier session this evening. Minutes of the first session were approved as presented. No further motions were made. Discussion items included two financial notes. Unspent Prairie Meadows grant funds for the “Voting is for Every One” project in the amount of $673.19 will be returned. The final bill to the Holiday Inn had been under review. It was determined that ICUB was overcharged. The bill was appropriately adjusted and has been paid. Carrie reported that our website is not yet restored, but it will be up shortly.

February 8, 2018: A quorum of Board members was present as were several Chapter Presidents. Minutes and the Treasurer’s reports were moved, seconded and approved. The Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB) budget request for 2018-2019 was discussed. IDB Director Emily Wharton has asked for ICUB’s support for the budget. The Governor’s current proposal requests an $18,000 cut in state dollars which means four times as much loss in federal dollars. The Department says it can absorb the loss because laws passed last year gutted the union and decreased health insurance costs for the employer, plus the agency lost several more positions as well. As bad as it is, agency staff is content with the limited cut. The agency’s goal is to prevent any greater loss. We are being asked, through Carrie, that ICUB write a letter to the appropriations committee(s) and any other significant persons supporting the Department’s full request at most or not reducing the budget beyond what the Governor is suggesting. It was moved and seconded that Carrie do so. The motion was unanimously approved.

No other motions were offered or acted upon. Teresa Gregg reported on behalf of the Membership Committee. Progress continues on tool kits and Braille cards. They are also pursuing funding for a “Nominate your favorite teacher of the visually impaired award” to be given at the 2019 State convention. The initiative would bring ICUB to the attention of children who nominate teachers, their families, educators and local schools.

Fundraising: Jackie Armstrong reported that the Schwan Cares fundraising project is underway.

ACB Mid-Year Legislative Conference: Carrie Chapman, Donna Seliger, Lori Roush, and Robert Spangler are attending. Carrie received a scholarship from the Des Moines Chapter to defray her costs.

2018 ICUB State Convention: Most details are settled.

2017 Annual ICUB State Convention and Conference election summary: The election was held on Saturday, April 20, 2017, during the third session of the Convention. Officers and Board members elected include: President Carrie Chapman (Altoona); Board members Jackie Armstrong (Forest City), Arlo Monthei (re-elected; Des Moines), Donna Seliger (re-elected; West Des Moines), Rose Stratton (re-elected; Maquoketa), and Don Wirth (Ames).

2017 ICUB State Convention and Conference Minutes:

President Carrie Chapman presided over the meeting which was conducted on Sunday, April 23, 2016. Twenty-four members and four observers were in attendance.

Motions accepted:

1. To suspend reading of the minutes of the 2016 State Convention Business meeting.

2. To accept the Treasurer’s report as presented: The report showed Total Assets, as of April 19, 2017, of $82,464.80.

3. To accept the report of the Audit Committee, presented by Jim Witte, which stated that the organizations books and financial records were in good order.

4. Resolutions for consideration:

a. Approved in 2016: That the President and Executive Board be instructed to continue to pursue actively a change in the makeup of the Iowa Commission for the Blind through legislation which will assure a broader representation of blind Iowans. No further action was taken in 2017 other than the State organization will continue to work on the issue.

b. Calls for compliance in Iowa’s local movie theaters regarding requirements for provision of audio description technology, training for theater staff in the equipment’s use and maintenance, and education of the public about the availability and use of audio description. Discussion following presentation of the resolution touched on many details including number of screens in a theater complex, nature of digital technology, ability of theaters in smaller communities to comply, etc. It was thought that the resolution required more specifics. Drafters will rework the resolution to include those elements. With that understanding, the resolution was moved, seconded and passed.

5. Revision of the Constitution: It was proposed that in every place where the word “Conference” occurred within the current Constitution, it be changed to the phrase “Conference and Convention.” The changes would be made in Articles IV and VI through X. The change was approved. It was proposed that the final sentence of Article IV, section A, which concerns membership, be stricken. The portion to be removed reads, “Any person who is not affiliated with a local chapter may become an active member of this organization by a majority vote of the members present at any Conference and convention…” An at-large chapter has been formed. An earlier statement in the Article on membership reads, “Hereafter, the term ‘local chapter’ shall refer to any at-large or local chapter of the organization. All active members of local chapters shall automatically become members of this Organization…” The earlier statement applies rendering the earlier statement moot. The change was approved.

Following these votes, it was noted that the Constitution may need to be reviewed and updated. It was moved and seconded that a Committee be formed and charged with reviewing and making recommendations on changes to the membership.

6. It was moved, seconded and approved to spend up to $2,000.00 in support of ICUB’s President, Carrie Chapman, attending the 2017 American Council of the Blind National Conference.

Please note: A complete set of minutes is posted on our website, If you need a full set by e-mail or in print, please contact Catherine Witte by e-mail at or by telephone at 515-987-4490.

Thank you.

Stephanie Jill Hunolt

Stephanie Jill Hunolt, 43, of Brashear, Missouri, passed away Sunday, February 11, 2018, at the University of Missouri Hospital in Columbia, Missouri.

Stephanie was born in Kirksville, Missouri on September 9, 1974, the daughter of Leo Louis and Joyce Alene Hettinger Hunolt.

She attended Kirksville Elementary School in Kirksville, Missouri, Iowa City, Iowa, and Vinton School for the Blind in Vinton, Iowa, and the School for the Deaf and Blind in St. Augustine, Florida, graduating in the Class of 1992.

Stephanie had worked in Des Moines, Iowa, and lived in Orlando, Florida before returning to Kirksville and Brashear, Missouri to make her home.

Stephanie had many accomplishments, but her greatest joy in life was her little girl, Samantha. She was an inspiration to everyone she met and knew no strangers. She fought numerous health battles with a positive attitude and unimaginable grace. She will be sadly missed by her family and friends.

Stephanie is survived by her daughter, Samantha Renee Spangler and her father Robert Spangler of Vinton, Iowa; mother, Joyce Treutel of Casselberry, Florida; three brothers, Austin Treutel of Miami, Florida, Randall and Amie Shahan of Kirksville, Missouri, and Andy and Jill Shahan of Kirksville, Missouri; two sisters, Amy Hunolt and Demetrius Davis of Columbia, Missouri and Allison Treutel and Kevin Warren of Hannibal, Missouri; along with numerous nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins and a host of friends.

Stephanie was preceded in death by her father, Leo Hunolt on February 1, 2014; and a sister, Shana Renee Hunolt July 18, 1991.

A Celebration of Life will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 2018 at The Crossing Church at 810 E. Shepherd Ave., Kirksville, Missouri.

Interment will be at a later date at the St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Edina, Missouri.

An expression of sympathy in memory of Stephanie Hunolt may be left to her daughter Samantha Spangler for which a college fund has been established. A memorial may be left at the church or mailed to the Doss Funeral Home 208 N. 4th Street, Edina, Missouri 63537.

Doss Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements.

Editor’s Note: Muriel Sheppard would like to thank the many ICUB members and friends who sent cards and remembrances at the time of Ed's 89th birthday. Many of us remember Ed being "The Voice of the Bulletin" for many years, his reading of resolutions at conventions, and his support of our local and state organizations - plus the many years at the Iowa Department for the Blind serving blind Iowans.

Edward A. Sheppard

June 5, 1929 - June 11, 2018 Born in Boston, Massachusetts Resided in Des Moines, Iowa

Edward A. Sheppard died on June 11, 2018, six days after his 89th Birthday. He was formerly a newscaster for KCBC and the Iowa Radio Network, covering the Iowa State Legislature from 1964-1969. He went to the Iowa Commission for the Blind as supervisor of vocational rehab in 1969 and retired in 1994. Ed was a RAGBRAI enthusiast for many years, biking well into his 80’s. He acted in plays at the Des Moines Playhouse, made television commercials and spent many hours at the Bridge House. He was an Army sergeant during the Korean War.

Surviving are his wife of almost 61 years, Muriel; sons, Len (Liana) of New Hampshire and Bill (Riki) of California; and granddaughters, Sammie, Rachel, Shira and Ariella. Services will be held 11 a.m. Friday, June 15 at Temple B‘nai Jeshurun, 51st and Grand Ave., Des Moines. Burial will be at Resthaven Cemetery in West Des Moines. In lieu of flowers, donations to Temple B’nai Jeshurun or Rails-To-Trails Conservancy ( would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences are welcome at

Vivian Ver Huel

Vivian Ver Huel, West Des Moines - Vivian, 52, passed away on March 13, 2018 at home surrounded by her family after a hard fought battle with cancer. Visitation will be 5-7 p.m., Friday, at Brooks Funeral Care, 7975 University Blvd. in Clive. Her funeral will be at 10 a.m., Saturday, at West Des Moines Open Bible Church, 1100 Ashworth Road in West Des Moines, with burial to follow at Resthaven Cemetery.

Vivian was born November 15, 1965 in Mattoon, Illinois, the daughter of Harold and Elizabeth Jane (Weber) Vahling. Following high school graduation, she attended and graduated from the University of Illinois. Vivian was an Independent Living Teacher with the Iowa Department for the Blind for 27 years.

Her positive attitude and determination were an inspiration to the clients she counselled. Vivian enjoyed traveling, playing piano, cooking (she made the best oatmeal cookies), and making cards and gifts for family and friends. She had strong Christian faith. Vivian is survived by her husband of 24 years, Matt Ver Huel; her parents, Harold and Jane Vahling; siblings: Bryan (Michelle) Vahling, Kathy (Kent) Spencer, and Steve Vahling; and several nieces and nephews.

Memorial contributions are suggested to the Iowa Council of the United Blind.

By Teresa Gregg

Three cheers for the Across Iowa At Large Chapter! We are an official ICUB Chapter complete with a constitution, officers and 13 members! The newly elected officers as of the ICUB State Convention are: President Teresa Gregg, Vice President Tyler Juranek, Secretary Marcia Bauer and Treasurer Don Wirth.

Here are some highlights from our last meetings:

The March meeting was all about finalizing our constitution and planning for the ICUB State Convention

Michael Barber spoke about NFB Newsline in April:

· Started in 1996 as a phone system

· Features: ICUB has a page, Iowa newspapers and Iowa Shopping cart, over 500 national/International newspapers, ads/circulars Target and WalMart, magazines, user control panel, TV listings, job seeking, weather reports/warnings

· 1,572 Iowa subscribers

In May President Teresa Gregg spoke about free and low cost options for screen readers/screen magnification programs:

· NVDA, Serotek System Access, Windows Narrator and Magnifier, Google Accessibility with Chrome Vox/Chrome Vis, and WebAnywhere

Please call in on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 P.M. to join in the discussion: 712-432-5610, access code 782.

The Dubuque Chapter banquet will be Saturday October 13, 2018, and the theme for the banquet is Hawaiian. Louie Oswald will be playing Don Ho tunes starting at 11:30am. Lunch will be served starting at 12:30, and the Dubuque Chapter will be putting on their hula skirts for this event, welcoming guests with flower leas. All guests are encouraged to wear Hawaiian shirts or tropical print attire.

The meal will be catered by Kalmes Restaurant. It will be chicken, beef, potatoes, corn, cole slaw, dinner roll and vanilla ice cream. The Dubuque girl scouts will be serving the plated meal.

This year the speaker is Dr. Ian Haunt from the University of Iowa Clinic. He will talk about the research being conducted at the UI. He is a vitreoretinal surgeon who sees inherited eye disease patients in the clinic and he also works closely in the lab with Drs. Stone, Tucker, Shon and others on advancing gene and stem cell therapy.

The site for the banquet is Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2155 University Ave., Dubuque. Tickets are $20.00 each. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 raffle and an auction. For more information contact Violet Haverland at 563-543-4777.


WHEREAS, the state of Iowa has two major organizations of blind persons: Iowa Council of the United Blind (ICUB) and National Federation of the Blind of Iowa (NFBI); and

WHEREAS, these organizations have a similar philosophy as it relates to blindness; and

WHEREAS, recently individuals contacting Iowa Legislators have found that one or more blind individuals opposing ICUB's five-member Commission bill have found that these blind persons have characterized the bill as being the result of a petty fight between the organizations of the blind; and

WHEREAS, it would be desirable to have the two organizations supporting legislation whenever possible;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Iowa Council of the United Blind in convention assembled this 15th day of April 2018, in the city of Des Moines, calls upon its President and her designees to negotiate with the NFBI in an effort to secure solidarity with proposed legislation submitted by either organization.


WHEREAS, the Iowa Council of the United Blind (ICUB) has supported and promoted for the past four years legislation which would provide for expansion of the Commission for the Blind, the policy-making board of the Iowa Department for the Blind, from 3 to 5 members, with at least 3 members being blind and at least 1 member being from each of the two major organizations of blind people, the Iowa Council of the United Blind (ICUB) and the National Federation of the Blind of Iowa (NFBI); and

WHEREAS, although there seems to be substantial support for this proposal in the Iowa Legislature, it has encountered roadblocks in the funnel process and therefore has not made it to the floor of either chamber for a vote; and

WHEREAS, ICUB and blind individuals who are not members of blind consumer organizations have been without representation on the Commission for the past five years;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Iowa Council of the United Blind in convention assembled this fifteenth day of April 2018, in the city of Des Moines, that the President of ICUB be directed to make it known to the governor, legislators, and any other officials involved in the appointment of Commission for the Blind board members that this organization, greatly concerned about the welfare of the blind of Iowa and the quality and quantity of services they are receiving from the Iowa Department for the Blind, insists that it have representation on the Commission through the appointment of one of its members to the Commission for the Blind.

Compiled by Jo Ann Slayton

Tom and Marylou Aird - Violet Haverland's nephew and wife

Sue Ammeter - friend and member of ACB

Beulah Bartlett - friend and retired IDB staff

Dolores Caldbeck - friend and member of ICUB

Rich Cavallaro - friend and former IDB staff

Adeline (Addie) Craft - Mother-in-law of Don Wirth

Joyce (Boysal) Donald - friend and alumnus of IBSSS

Dawn Greenwood - friend and alumnus of IBSSS

Arlene (Hill) Gashel - friend and alumnus of IBSSS

Stephanie Hunolt - friend and member of ICUB

Fred Mansfield - friend and member of ICUB

William McLaughlin - father of Carol Flickinger

John McVeety - brother of Mavis McVeety

Jake Miller - friend and retired IDB Staff

Darlene Morey - friend and member of ICUB

Jeff Nicolaysen - cousin of Donna Seliger

Greg Phelps - friend, retired IDB staff and member of ICUB

Travis Robinson - friend, retired IDB staff, and member of ICUB

Diane Schnoebelen - cousin of Donna Seliger

Eugene Scholtes - friend and member of ICUB

Karen Slayton - niece of Creig and Jo Ann Slayton

Joe Spellberg - close friend of Tyler Juranek

Vivian Ver Huel - friend, retired IDB staff, and member of ICUB

Janice Wente - sister of Pat Hamling

HealthWell Foundation Launches Fund to Provide Financial Assistance to People Living with Macular Degeneration

The HealthWell Foundation®, an independent non-profit that provides a financial lifeline for inadequately insured Americans, has launched a Macular Degeneration Fund to provide copayment and premium assistance to eligible patients living with macular degeneration. Under the fund, HealthWell will provide up to $4,000 to individuals who have annual household incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level to assist with out-of-pocket costs for treatment of their disease.

For additional information, phone (800) 675-8416.

The Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired has a large collection of audio recordings of seminar archives covering a wide variety of topics. Wondering what it’s like to explore another country as a blind person? Are you a social butterfly but have few flowers around which to flit? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in the Hadley seminar archives. Visit and have fun!

ICUB Officers and Directors

Carrie Chapman, President


(515) 657-1461

Robert Spangler, Immediate Past President


(319) 550-1748

Sandy Tigges, First Vice-President

Des Moines

(515) 277-1256

Teresa Gregg, Second Vice-President


(402) 980-9980

Catherine Witte, Secretary

Waukee, IA 50263

(515) 987-4491- home


Jeana Mowery, Treasurer

132 Carter Ave

Ottumwa, IA 52501

(712) 310-7140


Jackie Armstrong- Forest City, (641) 582-3346

Carol Flickinger - Rockwell City, (712) 887-1109

Tyler Juranek - Council Bluffs, (402) 594-6384

Arlo Monthei - Des Moines, (515) 277-0442

Donna Seliger - West Des Moines, (515) 284-0505

Rose Stratton - Maquoketa, (563) 652-2546

Kristen Steele – Underwood, (402) 672-3168

Don Wirth - Ames, (515) 451-3779

Copyright 2018 Iowa Council of the United Blind, Inc.

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