Summer 2020
Published by the
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An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind
Carrie Chapman, President
200 Parkview Dr.
Waukee, IA 50263
Don Wirth, Co-Editor
921 – 9th St., #208
Ames, IA 50010
Sandy Tigges, Co-Editor
2904 - 34th St.
Des Moines, IA 50310
The ICUB Bulletin is available in large print, via email, and on an NLS-compliant digital audio cartridge. To subscribe to the cartridge edition, please contact the Iowa Department for the Blind Library at 515-281-1323 or 800-362-2587, option 2. Please direct other questions about format and address changes to Co-Editor Don Wirth.
Table of Contents
President’s Message 4
Accessible Absentee Voting Letter sent to Congress by the American Council of the Blind 6
Selecting ICUB as a Beneficiary 10
News from the Library Consumer Advisory Council 11
Donating Your Vehicle to Benefit ICUB 13
Staying Connected Through Facebook 13
Coaching Corner 16
Shopping to Benefit ICUB 17
Meet the Board—Jackie Armstrong 18
Those We Have Lost 20
News You Can Use 24
Across-Iowa At Large Chapter Report 26
Des Moines Chapter Report 26
Calendar of Events 27
ICUB Board Members and Chapter Presidents 32
Editor’s Note: We want to thank our President, Carrie Chapman, for her dedication to ICUB. She spends many hours every week working hard to advance our mission. Her goal is to better the lives of blind Iowans, whether through advocacy, a speaking engagement, or just a friendly phone call. Because of her creativity and caring, she has brought ICUB’s members and friends closer together through conference call meetings on a variety of topics. We feel extremely fortunate to have Carrie as our leader.
President’s Message
Dear Members and Friends,
I hope this Bulletin finds you, your friends and family well. I know this has been a difficult time for all. As an organization, ICUB wanted to do something that might allow people to connect, take a break from everything going on, and maybe even learn a few things along the way. After some thought, we came up with a variety of conference calls you have probably been hearing about and hopefully participating in.
At the end of March, we rolled out our first conference call and have been going strong ever since. Most weeks we have offered two or three calls; some weeks we have managed four. On some calls, we have had over twenty participants. We have had people joining us from all over the state and even some calling in from Kentucky, Missouri, and Nebraska. Topics ranged from Hump-Day Happy Hour, Book Club, cooking ideas, and iPhone Training, to tips on using Alexa and NFB Newsline. The feedback has been tremendously positive! We want to thank our hosts, fellow ICUB members, for making this all possible. This outreach is a great example of how our organization comes together to help one another.
On another issue, please know that ICUB is still actively working on accessible absentee balloting. Thanks to all of you who took the time to write letters to your State senators and representatives. I would encourage you also to call them and share your personal story. Tell them why being able to vote independently in your own home is important to you. Explain to them that accessible absentee voting allows anyone who cannot mark, see, or hold a ballot cast a truly independent and secret vote. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Below you will find a letter sent by the American Council of the Blind to all members of Congress in mid-April. By working together at every level, we can make a difference.
Obviously, during this pandemic, we have not had the opportunity to speak to groups in person about ICUB. A few weeks ago, however, I was invited to join a conference call for the Ames Low Vision Support Group. Don Wirth offered me some time at the beginning of the meeting to talk about ICUB and what we have been working on. It was nice to hear so many familiar voices and some new ones that have been joining in on our calls.
Regarding some other items: The graphic designer we have hired has started working on our new logo. When he completes the logo, he will begin working on our website. We are looking forward to sharing more information as his work progresses.
Don’t forget! You can now find conference call schedules, Convention updates, and the latest ICUB Bulletin on NFB Newsline. You can also find information about ICUB on our Facebook page. And as always, feel free to contact me anytime.
I look forward to a time when we are all able to get together again. Have a healthy and safe summer.
Carrie Chapman, President
Accessible Absentee Voting Letter Sent to Congress
by the American Council of the Blind
Editor’s Note: More than seventy-five national, state, and local organizations and affiliates have cosigned this letter which was sent to all members of Congress. Due to space constraints, we cannot list them here. Please contact President Carrie Chapman if you would like a copy of the list.
April 10, 2020
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker
United States House of Representatives
1236 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Leader
United States Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Kevin McCarthy, Leader
United States House of Representatives
2468 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable Charles Schumer, Leader
United States Senate
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Re: Congress Must Protect the Voting Rights of People with Disabilities
Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leaders McConnell, McCarthy, and Schumer:
The American Council of the Blind and the undersigned organizations actively represent and work to advance civil rights for people with disabilities. We write to express our concern that the CARES Act, H.R. 748, fails to reinforce to states that they must ensure equal access to federal elections for voters with disabilities when administering funds pursuant to this Act. The basis of our great democracy is the fundamental right to privately and independently mark, cast, and verify a ballot. Through passage of the Voting Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Help America Vote Act, Congress mandated that states must ensure all voters are afforded full and equal access to the ballot box, whether at a polling location or voting remotely. Yet, voters with disabilities are routinely disenfranchised in absentee voting programs that require the voter to cast a paper ballot for federal elections. To complete a paper ballot one is required to, at the least, read standard text, physically write and/or fill in the ballot choices, seal and certify the ballot via a signature on the envelope, and mail the ballot back to the appropriate voting official to be counted. Each of these steps may act as a barrier to voting for voters who are blind and disabled.
There is no nationwide approach to creating accessible absentee ballots and as such, many voters with disabilities are excluded from absentee ballots. Some states have implemented accessible solutions to this problem, such as remote voting through the use of online and remote ballot marking devices. For example, earlier this year Gov. Justice in West Virginia signed into law S.B. 94, a bill to bring the absentee vote by mail system in West Virginia into compliance with Title II of the ADA by offering an accessible electronic absentee voting option for people with disabilities. These changes are the result of the tireless work of advocacy organizations and, in some cases, legal action. These ad hoc decisions by states to protect voting rights create an uneven landscape where voters with disabilities in some states may successfully cast a private, independent absentee ballot, while voters with disabilities in other states cannot, for the same federal election. Readily available solutions already exist that afford people with disabilities full and equal access to absentee or remote voting through the use of online and remote ballot marking devices.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and it is once again incumbent on Congress to reinforce the American principle that federal elections must be administered in an equitable manner, enabling voters with disabilities to cast a private, independent ballot. We strongly urge Congress to remedy the current disenfranchisement of voters with disabilities by requiring an accessible, secure online option by which people with disabilities may privately and independently mark, cast, and verify their ballots in any future COVID-19 relief legislation where federal election funding is allocated.
Eric Bridges
Executive Director
American Council of the Blind
Selecting ICUB as a Beneficiary
If you or a friend would like to remember the Iowa Council of the United Blind in your will, you may do so by using the following language: “I grant, devise, or bequeath unto the Iowa Council of the United Blind, a non-profit charitable organization, the sum of ______ dollars, ____ percent of my net estate, or the following stocks and bonds (please list them) to be used for its worthy purposes on behalf of blind persons.” If your wishes are more complex, you can have your attorney call 515-279-4284, or write to the Iowa Council of the United Blind, 4013 - 30TH Street, Des Moines, IA 50310.
News from the Library Consumer Advisory Council
Don Wirth
On April 24, the Iowa Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Consumer Advisory Council (ILCAC) held its quarterly meeting. Meetings are held the last Friday of the first month of each quarter – January, April, July, and October. Three individuals made presentations at this meeting.
Library Director Sarah Willeford updated us on what is happening at the Library. The Library remains open by rotating staff between on-site and in-home work. They continue to fulfill book requests. They are revising the process of loading books onto the book reader cartridges so that they will now be able to load as many as 20 books per cartridge, up from the current 10 books. They have been providing zoom meetings for book readings, tech tips and Braille bits training among others. They have also prepared a training series for teachers of blind students, emphasizing what services the Library offers and how the Library can support the teaching process, especially during these times of remote training.
Roxanne Book described her job as the Library’s Braille Coordinator. She handles all requests for Brailling materials. Priority is placed on educational materials. She will research to find if the materials have already been Brailled and are available for purchase. If not, she works with contractors and volunteers to produce the items. The Iowa Prison system is one of the Library’s largest contractors for Brailling. She also mentors individuals who are working on obtaining certification as a Braillist.
Our final speaker was Karen Keninger, the Director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS). Earlier in her career, she had been Director of the Iowa Library and later Director of the Iowa Department for the Blind. Karen reported that Iowa is fortunate in that our library is open at this time. Libraries in many other states are closed. She indicated that NLS was borrowing Iowa’s idea of putting more than one book on a cartridge to expedite service to readers. Karen’s big news was that NLS is close to producing and distributing 2 prototype refreshable Braille readers for library patrons. One version is being built by Humanware and the other by Zoomax. When these prototypes are available, they will be distributed for evaluation throughout the country—Iowa will serve as one test site. Starting sometime this summer, Iowa patrons who download Braille books or receive hard-copy Braille will be eligible to receive one of these units. Please note: they can be used to read, but not to input, Braille. Books will be distributed in the same manner as audio books. This Braille reader is an exciting step forward toward providing access to readable, refreshable Braille to all blind individuals. The NLS has funding to continue the project over the next five years.
Donating Your Vehicle to Benefit ICUB
Do you need to dispose of a used vehicle? ICUB's Used Vehicle Donation Program offers a perfect solution. Your vehicle will be picked up from your home and sold at auction. A portion of the proceeds go directly to ICUB. You can claim a tax deduction equal to the dollar value of the vehicle. Call 800-899-4925 for more information.
Staying Connected through Facebook
Kristen Steele
Editor’s Note: As part of the conference calls ICUB is sponsoring to keep members and friends connected, Kristen has been hosting a series of training sessions called “The iPhone Without the Eye.” The notes from one of these sessions is below. A big thank you to Kristen for sharing her talents with ICUB through this series, the book club, and other activities. Way to go, Kristen!
Facebook is totally accessible. It allows you to keep up with grandkids, old high school friends, and things you might be involved in. News Feed is the place you can find your friends' posts, as well as posts from groups and pages that might interest you, such as your job, hobbies, restaurants, nursing homes, and blind groups. In this way, you can interact with individuals with similar interests.
When you open Facebook, you will find tabs at the bottom of the screen: News Feed, Marketplace, Watch, Groups, Notifications, and Facebook Menu. You can swipe left or right through these tabs and then double tap to select one. VoiceOver will then say “selected,” which also lets you know where you are within Facebook. Swiping right or left will get you through almost any Facebook page.
Your Facebook profile will be all about you. It will show the profile picture you have chosen and any pictures you may have shared. In your About info, it will show any information you have decided to share about yourself, such as your town, school, and family. On your wall or timeline, you can find things you have posted, including photos, things you have shared, and things others have shared and tagged you in. You can also post directly to a friend’s timeline. The Facebook menu allows you to set privacy settings, preferences, and log out.
News Feed is a compilation of everything and everyone you are following. To scroll through it, touch the screen and then swipe with one finger to the right to go forward through posts by your friends, people in your groups, or pages that you follow. Swipe left with one finger to go backward. Each post will tell you who posted it, when they posted it, what the post says, and usually a description of a photo. It will also tell you the privacy setting of that post, which restricts who can see it. People post all kinds of things, such as photos, videos, pages, groups, or what they are feeling or doing.
You can acknowledge a post by liking it, reacting, or leaving a comment. One finger swipe up or down gives you the options for quickly interacting with a particular status. You can react to a post with love, like, angry, sad, or care. If you would like to see comments or reactors on a particular post, double tap on it to expand it into a full-page view. You can then scroll through by swiping right or left to see how people have commented. You can also comment yourself by swiping right to find the text box near the bottom of the screen.
You can share a post with others. Once you find something you like in the News Feed, you can swipe up until it says share and then double tap to activate hat option. You can also do a two-finger double tap on the post, and different options will pop up, including share. (This is also another method of reacting instead of flicking up and down.) A third option is to double tap on the post to expand it and then swipe right until it says Share. Then double tap.
Once you have selected the Share option, you can swipe right through the presented options, which will allow you to change the privacy setting of what you are about to share, comment on what you’re sharing, or just simply share it the way it is.
The notifications tab will show you if any notifications are pending. Double tap on that tab to be brought to the notifications view. Here you will find friend requests, comments or reactions to your posts, tags, and what Facebook thinks you need to see. Double tap on an individual notification, and you will be brought directly to the post or profile it is concerning.
If you would like to search for someone to add them as a friend, return to your News Feed by selecting that tab and go to the top of the screen where it says Search. Double tap to activate and then begin typing the name you’re looking for. Hit the Return. Below will appear a list of search results. From there you can click on the one you were looking for and request to be added as a friend. Make sure you are requesting the right person by checking out their profile information. You can also search for groups and pages in the search option. You can like and follow them if you choose to do so. Once you have added them or they have accepted your request, you will start seeing things that they are sharing in your News Feed.
Remember: If you are unsure of where you are on Facebook, just check the tabs at the bottom of the screen to see which one is selected.
Coaching Corner
Teresa Gregg
During this time of being quarantined and coping with the panic of a pandemic in your community, there have been many discussions of strategies for staying connected and healthy. Many persons are learning a new hobby or craft, cleaning out old junk and re-organizing, and binge-watching Netflix. I would challenge you to take an inventory of your body’s emotions.
For every body part, write down an emotion. Here are some examples: my feet are tired; my fingers ache; my brain is on overload. Then moving down from your head to your feet, finish a sentence that starts with “I am…,” using an adjective or adverb to describe each body part. Doing this will tell you your body’s emotional pulse.
For other ideas or information, please check out my new coaching website and blog at
Shopping to Benefit ICUB
Are you an online shopper? You can help ICUB secure some additional funds when you shop at . There, enter your email address and password. You will be prompted to shop for the charity Amazon is promoting that day or to select your own. In the dialog box for selecting your own, type our name, Iowa Council of the United Blind. We will then be the charity of choice each time you shop at . ICUB will receive 0.5% of the value of eligible purchases. Keep in mind, if you check out using the Amazon app on your smart phone, ICUB will not receive a donation. You can use the app to put items in your cart and then complete your purchase at Happy shopping!
Meet the Board – Jackie Armstrong
Don Wirth
Editor’s Note: This piece is the latest in a series of articles about members of the ICUB State Board of Directors. Previous articles can be found in earlier issues of the Bulletin.
In the golden days of radio, there was a series Called “Jack Armstrong – the All-American Boy.” Well, today we are introducing you to an updated version of the show: “Jackie Armstrong—the All-American Girl. (Like she hasn’t heard that one a million times before!) So grab a snack and a beverage. Settle into your easy chair and snuggle up to your radio, Alexa, Google, or wherever else you get your audio programming and learn about Jackie.
Announcer: Welcome to Jackie Armstrong – the All-American Girl.
We could start with stories of Jackie as
country club manager; restaurant owner; winemaker;
ServSafe (food service safety) trainer and proctor; dietary and food service manager at a special needs center and Forest City schools; straw bale gardener; assistive living center staffer; active member and board of the Algona Eastern Star Masonic organization; camper and canoer; wife of Tracy and mother of 2 children and Fable the cat. But today, we will meet Jackie Armstrong, member of the ICUB State Board of Directors.
Jackie was born with a genetic condition called Best Disease, which is rare and usually affects only one eye. But that wasn’t good enough for our all-American over achiever. She had to have an even rarer version called Recessive Best Disease that affects both eyes - probably just to have additional challenges and show us all how to overcome them. The Best Disease started affecting her sight in her 20’s. Doctors had a difficult time diagnosing the problem.
In the meantime, Jackie got a referral from a friend to the Iowa Department for the Blind. As a client, she received training, equipment and other assistance that helped her to continue her working career. As many blindness diseases will do, Jackie’s disease progressed, causing more and more loss of sight. In the early 2010’s, she enrolled in the Orientation Center at the Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB). She was there for about nine months. But, of course, being just a student wasn’t acceptable for our all-American girl. After graduating from the Orientation Center, she got her ServSafe certification to train and proctor people in food safety. Then she went back to IDB and worked with Business Enterprises Program (BEP) vending staff to obtain the certification required for their work.
Jackie has been a member of ICUB since 2013 and on the ICUB board since 2017. The nominating committee recognized a multi-talented prospect when they saw one. The committee gave her just a half-hour to accept or decline the nomination to make sure they didn’t let her get away. Jackie enjoys the all-inclusive attitude of ICUB’s operation. “We want to help anyone and welcome everyone who approaches us,” she said. “There are so many people out there who can use our assistance. We need to make ourselves known in the community as someone who is willing to help.”
Jackie has worked extensively with ICUB’s outreach program. She has made presentations to student groups, Red Hat Clubs, church organizations, and the assistive care center where she works, among others. She is also working with a local eye doctor as a reference person for clients who are losing their sight.
And that concludes this week’s episode of Jackie Armstrong – the All-American Girl. Watch for the next episode (hopefully) at the next State Convention where Jackie will share her homemade wine and straw bale produce. And maybe we will get the answers to some other questions: Does Jackie like wine more than the beer that her husband Tracy says is her favorite beverage? And what about her investigation into Did she find that connection she may just have to Jack Armstrong—the All-American Boy?
Those We Have Lost
Editor’s Note: We have lost several good members and friends already this year. We wish to extend our condolences to their families. As you may know, long-time member Dee Clayton passed away on March 18. Since her memorial is scheduled for later this summer, her obituary is not yet available. It will be included in the next Bulletin.
Wilbur Eugene Cherry
Mr. Wilbur Eugene Cherry was the firstborn of Eugene Blue and Thressa Cherry, in Chicago, IL, on December 15, 1939. Thressa would later move her family to Des Moines, IA, where Eugene graduated from Valley High School. He would later continue his education at Des Moines Area Community College. In 1960, Eugene enlisted in the United States Army and served until he earned his honorable discharge in 1963. During that time, he found that he was only eight points shy of being cleared for military intelligence.
After his service in the armed forces, Eugene relocated to New Orleans, where he attended [University of New Orleans]. He would make New Orleans his home for several years. Later, Eugene entered the workforce. He worked several jobs in the IT and sales fields. Eugene spent the majority of his career at IBM and Meredith Company.
At a young age, Eugene developed a deep baritone voice [and sang] in several groups. Known as Duke Cherry, Eugene lent his vocal gifts to Vince Vance and the Valiants, the Veterans’ Administration’s Group of Singing Veterans, and others. Eugene also had a knack for cooking. A food connoisseur, Eugene loved the taste of food just as much as he enjoyed cooking it. Food was an experience for Eugene. He loved buffets and was often lovingly referred to as a “garbage can” by his family. He also enjoyed playing chess, tennis, swimming, and was an instructor for them all. He also participated in various veterans’ activities and working at the Commission for the blind. Even though his sight got dim, he willed himself to continue being active. He even took up bowling, golfing and Tae Kwan Do—he let nothing stop him. On February 19, 2020, Eugene closed his eyes for the last time as he transitioned into sweet slumber.
Don Gagne
Donald H. “Don” Gagne, age 90, of Dubuque, was called home peacefully at 4:30 a.m., on Saturday, March 14, 2020, surrounded by his loving family.
Don was born on May 16, 1929, in Dubuque, Iowa, son of Clarence and Blanche (Fisch) Gagne. Don was united in marriage to Gloria Ryan and they were blessed with four children together. He was later united in marriage to Pamela Pearl Priebe on September 17, 1976, in Dubuque, and they have been blessed with 43 wonderful years together.
Don was employed with Nurre Glass and the Dubuque Packing Company for several years. He founded the Tri-State Independent Blind Society in February of 1972, helping people who are visually impaired to lead more independent lives. Don served on many Boards within the city, but his true passion was his work with the Blind Society.
In his free time Don enjoyed listening to old time radio, playing cards, going to the casino and trips to Las Vegas with his family. He also enjoyed talking with people over the CB radio. His handle was “Frenchy,” and was a radio back-up man for the Dubuque Police Auxiliary. His family was beyond a doubt the most important aspect of Don’s life and he always made sure that everyone knew how important they were to him. The world is definitely a better place because Don was here with us, making a difference in the daily lives of countless people throughout the years. He will not be forgotten because he left a little part of himself in each of us.
Julie Bedard
Julie Bedard, 55, passed away April 2, 2020, at University of Iowa Hospital after a courageous battle with a brain tumor. She was born on July 28, 1964, the daughter of Patrick and Karen (Clawson) Bedard.
Julie was passionate about working with persons with disabilities. She worked at Daycare for Exceptional Children/ChildServe for more than 25 years. She loved to cook, enjoyed Garth Brooks, spending time outside, and being surrounded by friends and family.
Her greatest joy in life was watching her daughter, Jessica, graduate from Drake University and have the career Jessica always wanted. Julie also loved her various pets, especially cat Emeril and pug Ramsay.
News You Can Use
Norma A. Boge
The Iowa Department for the Blind invites you to participate in the following phone-in groups. If you have any questions, please call the Library at 515-281-1323 or go to the Library’s Blog, , for up-to-date information.
IDB Read. With IDB Read, you can call in and listen to a volunteer narrator read live on the phone, followed by a short chat about the book. On Mondays and Wednesdays, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., Christine Mach reads a cozy mystery. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., Bob White reads a Western. Please call the library at 515-281-1323 to get the conference call number for IDB Read.
Let's Talk About Braille! The IDB Library holds Braille Bits Online Mondays and Wednesdays for forty-five minutes starting at 2:00 p.m. Denise Bean invites you to join her to listen to a Braille Bits podcast and have a fun and lively conversation surrounding all things Braille. For more information or to register, contact Denise at 515-452-1338.
Tech Time with Tyler. Do you have a question about technology? Give Tyler Swett, IDB Accessible Media Specialist, a call at 515-452-1343. He's available to take your calls Wednesdays from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Looking for something to do while you are quarantined at home? Try a free Audio-Described Movie or TV Show. Audio-only files can be downloaded at no charge from the following sources:
The GoGoGrandparent Service allows you to use your phone to order a ride or get your groceries, medications, and restaurant meals delivered. It is available throughout Iowa and across the United States and Canada. For more information or to set up an account, call 1-855-464-6872 or visit .
The Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter is your #1 resource for current news and trends in adaptive technology. To subscribe, visit: .
Don’t miss attending the 2020 American Council of the Blind Virtual Convention! While much of the conference and convention will be live-streamed on ACB Radio, pre-registration will allow you to actively participate in the zoom meeting for each session. By pre-registering and paying the required $25.00 administrative fee, you will be provided the zoom link, phone number, meeting ID and password for each of the sessions you have selected. There are no additional fees for any meetings, workshops or seminars. The deadline for pre-registration is June 21. For more information, and to register, visit . If you need assistance registering, please call the Minneapolis office at 612-332-3242, and press 6 to leave a message in the convention mailbox with your name, telephone number, and time zone.
Across-Iowa At Large Chapter Report
Teresa Gregg
The Across-Iowa At Large Chapter is 23 members strong this year. We discuss a variety of topics, problem solve together, share ideas and stories, and laugh and have fun. More than ever, with today’s health concerns, having a group to relate to and share fellowship with is vitally important in keeping us connected with others. Our topics for the next few months are:
June: Low vision/Braille writing aids
July: Talking/low vision medical devices
August: National Convention news and blindness-related product catalogues
September: Work- and home- related challenges
Please join us the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. via conference call. Call 712-432-5610, access code 782.
Des Moines Chapter Report
Lori Trujillo Roush
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Des Moines Chapter of ICUB has been holding its monthly meetings via conference call. This practice will continue for the June meeting. Because of the ACB virtual convention, there will be no July meeting.
In May, our guest speaker was Don Wirth. Don is a member of the IDB Library Consumer Advisory Board. He gave us an update on library activities and also reported that Iowa will be a test site for the new NLS braille book reader.
The chapter continues to support our local community. In April, we donated $500.00 to the Food Bank of Iowa, and in May, we gave $100.00 to the 13 Cares fundraiser.
Our next meeting, June 8, 2020, will be at 5:30 p.m. In addition to catching up on the latest Chapter news, we will be doing an ACB virtual conference and convention preview. Our guest speaker will be from the ACB Braille Revival League, and we hope to play a little Braille trivia. Those interested in attending can do so by calling 605-472-5428, conference code 837272. All are welcome!
If you have any questions about the Des Moines Chapter, you can call 515-402-3508. We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
Calendar of Events
Norma A. Boge
Note: Times are subject to change.
2 Iowa Commission for the Blind Board Meeting
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Contact: Janice Eggers, 515-380-1944,
3 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
4 Across Iowa At-Large Chapter Meeting
Topic: Low vision/Braille writing aids
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
712-432-5610, access code 782
8 Des Moines Chapter Meeting
5:30 p.m.: Call to Order
Feel free to drop in early for fellowship!
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
9 iPhones without the Eye with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
10 Hump Day Happy Hour with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
17 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
18 Mysteries of the Universe with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
19 Monthly Director's Forum
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 109 673 957
23 iPhones without the Eye with Kristen
3:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
24 Hump Day Happy Hour with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
1 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
2 Across Iowa At-Large Chapter Meeting
Topic: Talking/low vision medical devices
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
712-432-5610, access code 782
3-10 American Council of the Blind
Virtual Conference and Convention
No ICUB activities this week.
15 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
16 Mysteries of the Universe with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
17 Monthly Director's Forum
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 109 673 957
21 iPhones without the Eye with Kristen
3:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
22 Hump Day Happy Hour with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
29 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
4 iPhones without the Eye with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
5 Hump Day Happy Hour with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
6 Across Iowa At-Large Chapter Meeting
Topic: National Convention news & blindness-related product catalogues
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
712-432-5610, access code 782
10 Des Moines Chapter Meeting
5:30 p.m.: Call to Order
Feel free to drop in early for fellowship!
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
12 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
13 Mysteries of the Universe with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
18 iPhones without the Eye with Kristen
3:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
19 Hump Day Happy Hour with Norma
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
26 Book Club with Kristen
7:15 p.m.
605-472-5428, Access Code 837272
ICUB Board Members
(Effective April 13, 2019)
President, Carrie Chapman (re-elected 2018)
511 - 20th Court, SW
Altoona, IA 50009
Immediate Past President, Robert Spangler (began service in 2014)
1505 W. 4th St.
Vinton, IA 52349
319-550-1748 – cell
First Vice President, Sandy Tigges (re-elected 2018)
2904 - 34th St.
Des Moines, IA 50310
515-277-1256 – home
Second Vice President, Teresa Gregg (elected 2018)
432 Houston Ave.
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Treasurer, Jeana Mowery (re-elected 2018)
132 Carter Ave.
Ottumwa, IA 52501
712-310-7140 – cell
Secretary, Catherine Witte (re-elected 2018)
200 Parkview Dr.
Waukee, IA 50263
515-987-4490 – home
515-343-6693 – cell
Jacqueline (Jackie) Armstrong (re-elected 2018)
103 Lawnsdale Ct.
Forest City, IA 50436
641-590-6755 – cell
Bettina Dolinsek (elected 2019)
2607 S. W. Prairie Trail Parkway
Ankeny, IA 50023
515-418-1201 – cell
Carol Flickinger (re-elected 2018)
320 Jones St.
P. O. Box 87
Rockwell City, IA 50579
712-887-1109 – cell
Tyler Juranek (re-elected 2018)
24065 McPherson Avenue
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
402-594-5384 – cell
Donna Seliger (re-elected 2019)
915 Ashworth Rd., Suite 218
West Des Moines, IA 50265
515-284-0505 – home
515-360-6949 – cell
Kristen Steele (elected 2018)
22362 Norman Dr.
Underwood, IA 51576
Rose Stratton (re-elected 2019)
320 N. Olive
Maquoketa, IA 52060
Don Wirth (re-elected 2019)
921 – 9th St., #208
Ames, IA 50010
Chapter Presidents:
Teresa Gregg, Across Iowa At-large Chapter
432 Houston Ave.
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Lori Trujillo Roush, Des Moines Chapter
3919 – 75th St.
Urbandale, IA 50322
Violet Haverland, Dubuque Chapter
2125 Louisburg Rd.
Cuba City, WI 53807
Sally Ripplinger, Waterloo Chapter
Pinnacle Specialty Care
1223 Prairie View Rd.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Copyright 2020 Iowa Council of the United Blind, Inc.