Published Quarterly by
Affiliate of
3912 SE 5th St.
Des Moines, Iowa 50315
(515) 284-0505
1-888-404-5562 (Toll Free)
3210 Aurora Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50310
(515) 274-8993
817 – 6th Street
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
(515) 277-1167
4013 - 30th Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50310
(515) 279-4284
President, Donna Seliger
Secretary, Jo Ann Slayton
Des Moines, 515/284-0505
Des Moines, IA 515/279-4284
1st V.P., Michael Hoenig
Treasurer, Dick Natale
Davenport, 319/344-8787
W. Des Moines, 515/277-1167
2nd V.P., Theresa Philpott
Des Moines, 515/284-8619
1 Year Directors
Muhammad Jihad
Sylvester Nemmers
Des Moines, 515/243-7528
Des Moines, 515/276-2729
Gloria O’Neal
Robert Nesler
Waterloo, 319/235-5687
Dubuque, 563/557-0987
2 Year Directors
Dee Clayton
Dorothy Janvrin
Des Moines, 515/282-1275
Fort Dodge, 515/573-6043
John Taylor
Shirley Wiggins
Des Moines, 515/279-2817
Cedar Rapids, 319/362-7138
ICUB Officers and Directors
Notice to Readers 1
Editor’s Note 1
From the President’s Desk 2
Summer Reading Club 2003 3
Dorothy 4
Vehicle Donation Update 7
Let Iowans Sue Those Who Cheat Them 8
Money Needed to Implement Election Reforms 10
Helen Keller Quarter Coins a Breakthrough 12
Lorna Powers 13
Cedar Rapids Chapter Report 14
Des Moines Chapter 15
Dubuque News 16
North Central Chapter Report 16
Senior Citizen Humor 17
Talking ATM’s Near You 18
If you or a friend would like to remember the Iowa Council of the United Blind in your will, you may do so by using the following language: “I grant, devise, or bequeath unto the Iowa Council of the United Blind, a non-profit charitable organization, the sum of ______ dollars, ____ percent of my net estate, or the following stocks and bonds (please list them) to be used for its worthy purposes on behalf of blind persons.” If your wishes are more complex, you may have your attorney call (515) 279-2817, or write Iowa Council of the United Blind, 3912 SE 5th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50315.
Anyone who cannot read this print bulletin or finds it difficult to have it read may receive a cassette copy at no charge. Cassette readers are invited to return this Bulletin for re-use. Please help us keep you better informed.
FOR THE NEXT ISSUE - ****July 1, 2003 ****
By John Taylor
The year 2003 has been most unusual for the Taylor family. I was diagnosed with acute leukemia with a projected life expectancy of six months to a year. Accordingly, this will be the final issue of the ICUB Bulletin which Teri and I will put out, and we want to thank all of those who have cooperated with us and made our task easier.
The new Bulletin Editor will be Linda Curfman Slayton, 3210 Aurora Ave., Des Moines, IA 50310. Her phone number is 515 274-8993. Her e-mail address is
Teri and I are very grateful for the support we have received over the years in our efforts to produce the ICUB Bulletin. It is sometimes a time consuming task, but one with many rewards and strengthened friendships. The new Editor will need the support of all ICUB members, and she may wish to make some changes in the Bulletin and its operating procedures. If that is the case, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.
Finally, our thanks and appreciation are extended to all of the ICUB friends and members.
by Donna Seliger
The sixteenth annual ICUB Convention is planned! Now, all that is needed is members, friends, family, and fun. This year our guest speaker will be Mr. Paul Edwards, immediate past president of the American Council of the Blind. Although Paul has been our guest in the past, we welcome him back to Iowa.
The convention will begin Friday, April 25, 2003, at the Ramada Inn North in Des Moines, and end Sunday, April 27. If you haven’t made your reservations yet, do so immediately. The room rate is $51 per night plus tax. You may call toll free at 1-800-643-1197.
The program promises to be very interesting thanks to those members who worked so hard putting it together. We will be electing four directors this year as well as the delegate and alternate to the ACB convention.
If you plan to attend the ICUB convention and didn’t pre-register, give Dick Natale, our treasurer, a call at 515-277-1167 to let him know you will be registering at the door. Everyone is welcome to attend the convention meetings. If you register with the treasurer, you will be eligible for the many door prizes that will be given away throughout the weekend.
The American Council of the Blind Convention will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from July 5 through 12. For reservations, you may call the Westin Hotel at 412-281-3700 or the Hilton Towers at 412-391-4600. Room rates are $85 and $79 respectively.
I wish everyone a very happy Easter and an enjoyable spring. As I have mentioned in the past, please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or comments. The toll free number is 888-404-5562.
Each year the Iowa Department for the Blind sponsors a Summer Reading Club for children. We encourage anyone who is currently a library borrower and between the ages of 3-17 to join the fun. To be eligible, participants must be someone who is blind, physically handicapped, or learning disabled. Club dates are June 23 – August 1, 2003. Our theme, “Laugh It Up at Your Library,” is the same as that used throughout the state by public libraries.
Once the club is underway, several contests will be held. Incentives are given for time spent reading, and we offer free Adventureland tickets and Living History Farm tickets after reading just one hour!! In addition, there will be weekly drawings for prize packets, as well as registration prizes, contest prizes, grand prizes, and trophies to top readers.
This year’s corporate sponsors include Lions Clubs, Living History Farm, Adventureland, Coca Cola, Cosi Cucina, Wild Birds Unlimited, Woodlink, McDonald’s, Earl May Nursery, and Wal-Mart.
If you have questions or need more information, call Carol Eckey at 1-800-362-2587 or 515-281-1271.
By Mike Hoenig, Davenport, Iowa, December 29, 2002
I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was an awkward, spoiled third grader who had no concept of how I might avoid being teased by my classmates. I longed for one thing – to be with my family 140 miles away.
It was my first “assembly” in the Braille School auditorium. We were told that our principal, Mrs. Petrucci, had some things to tell us. As I sat listening to that kind, comforting voice, I felt a whole lot closer to home. She told us all about why it was so important to get along with one another. Somehow, in that first encounter with the woman so many of us know and love as Dorothy, I knew I had a friend.
As I grew, so did my trust in this wonderful new friend. Sometime in junior high, I was banished to a special table where I was supposed to improve my eating skills. My anger over being separated form my friends was fueled further by the “table teacher” forcing me to finish a bowl of nearly inedible tomato soup. After downing that soup, I scheduled an appointment to see Mrs. Petrucci. She listened patiently. As I headed for the dreaded table the next day, the teacher proclaimed, “You graduated!” Need I say more?
One fall day in ninth grade I was summoned to Mrs. Petrucci’s office. In those days, many church and civic groups toured the school.
“I would like you to be a student spokesman,” she said. “You and I will give a little presentation before the tours begin.”
I was thrilled. Mrs. Petrucci trusted me enough to give a first impression to our tour groups. A huge fringe benefit for me was that the two of us would always meet a few minutes before the group arrived. She always wanted to know about my latest school activities. It was clear that she was genuinely interested. Without realizing it then, I was being mentored in a truly special way.
Mrs. Petrucci retired in 1979, at the end of my junior year. Many of my fellow classmates and I begged her to stay on one more year. How many principals do you know who can claim such loyalty and support among literally every student?
It was a privilege to be a Braille School student at the time of the dedication of what is now McCutchan Chapel. At the young age of 15, I recognized the importance of Dorothy’s many milestones, including over 50 years as student, teacher, and administrator at our school. During her speech that day, she gave us a brief look back into her early life, sharing a humorous anecdote. It seems that her mother could not bring herself to say “devil,” thus serving “Satanized eggs” on special occasions. Though Dorothy took life seriously, she had a sense of humor which many of us came to appreciate.
Following graduation in 1980, I called my former principal.
“Mrs. O’Leary,” I said. “I just wanted to call and talk for a few minutes.”
And so we did. At the end of our conversation, she said, “I want you to call me Dorothy. You’re a graduate now, and I want you to think of me as a friend.” That has always meant a great deal to me.
During a Christmas 2001 visit to my father in Fort Madison, I dug out some old letters. Among them was a letter from Dorothy, written to me while I was a student at Central College in Pella. Those early years at Central were very challenging for me, as I struggled to adapt to a new environment. Dorothy’s letter was full of encouragement, assuring me that I would be successful in whatever endeavor I chose to pursue.
As I entered the workforce and moved out on my own, Dorothy’s support was a constant in my life. She had the uncanny ability to know just when I needed a pick-me-up. Our phone calls would be full of reminiscence about IBSSS days, and she would always manage to tell me that I was worthwhile, capable, and some other adjective that would give me a boost. How proud I always was to tell someone, “I just got off the phone with my school principal!”
Dorothy had the amazing talent of being able to relate to the changing phases of my life. When I told her of my decision to practice Christian Science a number of years ago, she said, “Oh, yes, I once visited a Christian Scientist, and I remember our reading the Bible lesson daily.” Though I did not get the chance to tell her about my return to Catholicism, I’m sure she would have identified with that decision equally well.
As Dorothy’s health declined, I was heartened to see so many people come to her assistance. I wish now that I’d tried a little harder to offer the encouragement and support which she had given me for so many years. I hope that our visits at ICUB events helped in some small way.
As I listened to Dorothy’s memorial service, a realization came upon me. Many, many people enjoyed a special relationship with her. At some level, I have always known this. Yet, in the back of my mind, I believed that I was among a select few. I now realize that I was not among a select few – I was among a group of one. Each of us was special to her in our own way. She brought out the unique gifts in all of us. She made each of us feel special, without offering preferential treatment.
Dorothy, I am grateful for the guidance which you have given me, and know that your spirit will continue to direct me. Rest in peace, friend.
First Quarter 2003 Report
The Vehicle donation program is finally paying off. So far this year we have received three checks covering the months of November 2002, December 2002, and January 2003.
Month Gross Amount Net Amount
Covered (Value of Sales) (Less Expense)
Nov 2002 $12,245.00 $1,989.55
Dec 2002 10,330.00 2,076.69
Jan 2003 9,185.00 1,008.51
Totals $31,790.00 $5,074.75
All expenses are paid for by the Vehicle Processing Group. Expenses include picking up the vehicle, towing it to the refurbishing plant, and all repairs necessary to make the vehicle safe and able to pass state inspections.
They also pay all advertising. They do charge $75.00 per vehicle as a processing fee, and split the profits 50/50.
The good part is we have no financial investment of our funds.
Des Moines Sunday Register, March 2, 2003
Scam artists, grifters and crooks – welcome to Iowa. This is the only state in the country where individual consumers can’t hire private attorneys to file lawsuits under the Consumer Fraud Act.
What does this mean?
It means a man knocks on the door of an elderly, low-income woman and presents himself as a legitimate roofer. He persuades her that she needs a new roof and provides an estimate. She agrees to the work, and the man and his crew proceed to do a terrible job. To make matters worse, maybe the final bill exceeds the estimate by $500 or $1,000.
If the woman lives in any state other than Iowa, she would be able to hire her own lawyer who could file a lawsuit under their state’s version of the Consumer Fraud Act. In fact, 44 states allow attorneys who win these fraud cases to collect their fees through the award, thereby allowing legal recourse to those who can’t afford attorneys.
Not in Iowa.
Her, the woman could file a complaint with the state attorney general’s office of consumer protection. Keep in mind this is an office that receives about 6,000 complaints a year and employs only four attorneys. The resources aren’t there to go after the roofer.
So she might try to scrape together the money to hire an attorney who would then have to prove what’s called “common-law fraud,” a much more difficult case to prove. Under common-law fraud ther is no provision to recoup attorney fees.
Since Iowa has no “private right of action” for victims of fraud, her recourse is limited. The Consumer Fraud Act, which is meant to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive practices, ends up protecting con artists from lawsuits.
There are all kinds of scenarios.
A consumer purchases a car, only to find out it previously incurred $12,000 in damages in a wreck. The consumer has been duped. A disabled consumer is approached with a “deal” on the installation of a wheelchair lift or a new shower. The work doesn’t get done.
Sorry. This is Iowa, where recourse is limited. Just add the complaint to the thousands being collected by those few lawyers in the state office.
There are some special provisions in the law allowing for a private right of action when there is fraud involved in situations such as identity theft or buying fine art. But the protection falls short in the areas where low-income consumers really need it, such as auto sales and repairs, predatory lending, home improvements, and bogus travel packages. In addition, new scams pop up all the time that aren’t afforded the private right of action remedy.
So what is being done to give Iowans legal recourse in all cases of fraud and theft?
The Iowa attorney general’s office is advocating legislation to remedy this shortfall in the law. It’s not the first time that office has recommended changes. Two years ago, a proposed bill didn’t get out of committee.
Bill Brauch, head of the attorney general’s consumer protection division, said his office will keep trying until Iowans have the same legal rights and protections as consumers everywhere else. He said changing the law is particularly important in Iowa, with many senior citizens who tend to be more vulnerable to scams.
Business owners should support the legislation because they lose customers to the bad guys who engage in bait-and-switch tactics. Brauch said the bill is “good for free enterprise, which depends on accurate representation in the marketplace. We want the marketplace to work fairly.”
Fair. What a concept. Lawmakers should consider this no-brainer legislation.
A bill to give Iowans a private right of action is in a legislative committee. It needs to be passed through the Legislature and signed by the governor.
It’s long overdue. Iowa should be embarrassed to be the only state in the country denying its people personal recourse under consumer fraud laws when they’re scammed.
Letters to the Editor – 3-28-03 from Mike Hoenig, Davenport
Regarding election-reform legislation currently before the Iowa General Assembly:
In late 2002, President Bush signed into law the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). This sweeping election-reform legislation includes many provisions that will make voting easier for the general public while enhancing the authenticity of the election process.
Key provisions include the creation of one statewide, uniform voter-registration system, increased availability of training for poll workers and voters, and the establishment of voting systems that will immediately notify a voter that s/he has incorrectly marked a ballot and provide an opportunity to recast it.
HAVA also opens the election process to many individuals with disabilities.
It provides funds for precincts to purchase voting equipment and make structural modifications that will permit private, accessible voting.
Iowa is eligible for more than $30 million in federal funds to implement HAVA over the next three years. To access these dollars, the state must appropriate a match totaling $1.5 million.
All states must comply with this legislation, with or without federal fiscal support.
Iowa Secretary of State Chet Culver’s office introduced legislation to implement and fund HAVA.
A Republican-sponsored bill has been passed by the House and by the Senate State Government Committee. This bill appropriates no money to match federal dollars for HAVA implementation, removes election administration from the secretary of state’s office, and actually restricts some voting provisions.
As a Republican, I’m ashamed at the party’s lack of fiscal responsibility and placement of political interest above the interest of ensuring all Iowa citizens have the opportunity to cast a confidential vote.
The Legislature should appropriate the necessary match for HAVA implementation and remove the negative provisions.
Blind Activist’s Name Appears in Braile – by Brian Faler – Special to The Washington Post Monday, March 24, 2003
Helen Keller, the activist, writer and lecturer left blind and deaf by childhood illness, graces the side of a new “Alabama” quarter – her image stamped alongside her name written in Braille – issued by the U.S. Mint last week.
It is the first coin in circulation to feature Braille. But while the lettering is raised, it is probably too small for anyone to read, said Becky Bailey, a spokeswoman for the Mint.
“It’s more symbolic – in a way to honor Helen Keller,” Bailey said of the Braille.
The coin, one in a series of state-themed quarters the Mint has issued, features Keller sitting in a chair, reading a book by touch, between shafts of long-leaf pine and magnolia flowers. Beneath her, a banner reads, “Spirit of Courage.”
Keller was born in Tuscumbia, a small town in northwestern Alabama. An illness robbed her of her sight and hearing when she was a toddler. Keller nevertheless learned to read and graduated from Radcliffe College. She went in to become a well-known activist for the disabled, a writer who associated with Mark Twain, and an inspiration to thousands who marveled at her achievements. The story of Keller as a wild child unable to communicate but eventually reached and taught by Anne Sullivan became widely known through “The Miracle Worker” production on television, stage, and film.
The coin is the 22nd state quarter the Mint has issued since it began the series in 1999 The design won out over thousands of proposals submitted to a contest sponsored by the Alabama’s former governor Don Siegelman (D). The Mind issued the coin last week, offering it for sale on its Web site and formally launching the coin today. But Bailey said several more weeks of circulation likely will be needed before area residents can begin to find the coin in their pockets.
In Loving Memory – 1925 - 2002
Lorna Ruth Powers, age 77, of Parkersburg, Iowa, was born the daughter of Joseph and Helen (Kale) Brake on May 8, 1925, in Dubuque, Iowa. She graduated high school and continued on year of Business College.
On January 14, 1950, Lorna Brake was united in marriage with John L. Powers in Waterloo, Iowa. They made their home in Waterloo for 25 years and in 1975 they moved to an acreage west of Parkersburg. She had worked at Manpower, Rath Packing Co., and also was a church secretary for a few local churches.
Lorna was a member of the Church of Christ in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and was a member of the Iowa Council for the Blind. She enjoyed writing short stories and reading books to John.
Lorna died Friday, November 15, 2002, at the Allen Memorial Hospital in Waterloo, Iowa, of natural causes. She was preceded in death by her parents.
Lorna is survived by her husband, John L. Powers of Parkersburg, Iowa; one son, John Powers and his wife, Deb of Yellville, Arkansas; one daughter, Lolynn Menuey and her husband, Tom of Evansdale, Iowa; four grandchildren; and one great-granddaughter.
By Shirley Wiggins
Our Chapter has had only one meeting since my last report. Our topics were the coming convention, and our August 23rd picnic. We have door prizes for the convention, and I am working on the Memorial service. The picnic will be held at the same place, Shawnee Park, same hours 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. I’ll remind you again in the July Bulletin.
The support group doesn’t take winter breaks. Due to health problems, we were down a little, but we were back up in full force at our last meeting. Our last meeting was very interesting and uplifting. I had asked for volunteers to come forward and tell us a little about the things they do. I had an excellent response. There were seven reports, with people ranging from 49 to 84, and all volunteer for more than one thing. Every job is a very worthwhile job, also.
We had reports that Jonathan Ice had lost his brother, and Jack Reisinger passed away. Our sympathy goes out to Jonathan and DeLores.
See you at Convention!
By Dee Clayton
We have been doing a variety of things since the last Bulletin.
We had a fundraiser connected with Younkers Appreciation Day in March. Members sold tickets for $5 each and we kept all the money. We also had members work the day of appreciation and split ticket sales with other organizations that worked that day. We were at Valley West Mall’s Younkers store and hope to be doing this again this winter.
In February we had a chili cookoff for our members. We had five entrants: Stuart Best, Viki Whitaker, Anna Gillson, Donna Seliger, and Vivian Ver Huel. The winner receives a free night at the motel during the convention from our Chapter. Stuart Best was the winner. The judges were: Jim Witte, Allen Harris, Cynthia Cip Qloud, and Rob Davis. Bingo was played afterwards, and everyone had a good time.
In March four members went to the ACB legislative seminar in Washington D.C. Donna Seliger’s way was paid by the state organization, and Dick Natale, Mohammad Jihad, and Dee Clayton’s way were paid by the Des Moines Chapter. This was my first time, and I really got a lot out of it and hope to be able to go again sometime.
Of course, many in the Chapter are getting ready for the State convention the end of April. Hope to see many of you there. I know that there are some out there that have not been for awhile. This would be a good time to start coming again.
So long for this time, and all take care.
By Bob Nesler
As usual, March is our first meeting of the year. We are still meeting at Finley Hospital, and always enjoy a cafeteria meal and socializing before our meeting. Basically, our meeting was a discussion of our programs, activities, and plans for the year. We also want to take this opportunity to report our election. Our officers are: Bob Nesler, President; Shirley Conrad, Vice Prfesident; Thelma Kerth, Treasurer; and Inez Schultz, Secretary. For Board members, we have Marty Schultz, Gene Sholtes, and Dolly Brown.
We are sorry to report that our faithful member Virg Houch has broken her hip and is at Manner Care in Dubuque. Also want to report that the sister of Rose Straton has passed away.
Hats off and a big salute to one of the great heroes in work for the blind, John Taylor. Our heartfelt gratitude for your steadfast leadership and yeoman’s effort for so many years. Words cannot say enough. Our prayers are with you and your family.
By Thelma Hoover
There does come a time, when writing this report becomes quite difficult, and now is one of those times. Although our winter was not horrendous compared to some we’ve had, it did interrupt our meetings.
February and March meetings had to be called off due to inclement weather. What little snow and wind we did have just had to fall at the wrong time for us.
In January we had a wonderful meeting with 18 members and 1 visitor. Terry Polberg visited with us and we were very happy to have him back in control of this area. He spoke about some changes such as how many teams now cover Iowa. With 2 people to a team, there are nine teams active in the state. Terry also told us that there would be an “Open House” event in Fort Dodge sometime in April. As of this writing, we have no date or time, but we await word of this event in the near future.
January was the month we elected new officers. Elected for President was Gary Michael, and for Vice President Donna McBurney from Webster City.
We are looking forward to nice weather in the future. Lord willing, we will all come together for our meeting in April.
Wish there could have been more to report. We are looking forward to our winter travelers returning to the nest. They will be warmly welcomed.
Bye for now, and have a refreshing spring.
Three old guys out walking. First one says, “Windy, isn’t it?” Second one says, “No it’s Thursday!” Third one says, “So am I. Let’s go get a beer.”
A man was telling his neighbor, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect."
"Really," answered the neighbor. "What kind is it?" "Twelve thirty."
Morris, an 82 year old man went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young lady on his arm. A couple of days later the doctor spoke to Morris and said,, "You're really doing great, aren't you?"
Morris replied, "Just doing what you said, Doctor: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful."'
The doctor said, "I didn't say that. I said you got a heart murmur. Be careful."
An elderly gent was invited to his friend's home for dinner one evening. He was impressed by the way his buddy preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms--Honey, My love, Darling, Sweetheart, etc.
The couple had been married almost 70 years and clearly they were still very much in love.
While the wife was in the kitchen, the man leaned over and said to his host, "I think it's wonderful that, after all these years you still call your wife those loving pet names."
The man hung his head. "I have to tell you the truth, he said, "I forgot her name about 10 years ago."
By Lainey Feingold, Esp.
Please help spread the word about Wells Fargo's Talking ATM's in Iowa, listed below. For u-to-date information about Wells Fargo Machines, visit WWW.WELLSFARGO.COM and click on the Talking ATM locator. The website also has detailed orientation information. You may also call Wells Fargo Customer Service toll free number. Bank of America also has Talking ATM's listed on its website, through the ATM locator page, and provides the information on the phone as well.
Questions or feedback may be directed to Lainey Feingold at mailto:lfeingold( one of the lawyers who has been working with ACB and local affiliates on the Talking ATM issue.
Des Moines Main 317 6th Ave Des Moines IA
Coral Ridge Mall - Food Court, 1451 Coral Ridge Ave Coralville IA
Coral Ridge Mall - Main Court, 1451 Coral Ridge Ave Coralville IA
Coral Ridge Mall - Ice Arena Theater, 1451 Coral Ridge Ave, Coralville IA
Adel Office 100 Nile Kinnick Drive N Adel IA 50003
Ames Main Street 424 Main St Ames IA 50010
Lincoln Way 3910 W Lincoln Way Ames IA 50014
North Grand Mall 723 24th St Ames IA 50010
Ankeny Office 910 E 1st St Ankeny IA 50021
Atlantic 600 Chestnut St Atlantic IA 50022
Cumberland Driveup 2 2318 18th St Bettendorf IA 52722
Cedar Falls Main 302 Main St Cedar Falls IA 50613
College Hill 2202 College St Cedar Falls IA 50613
College Square Driveup 6301 University Ave Cedar Falls IA 50613
College Square Main 6309 University Ave Cedar Falls IA 50613
51st St 1800 51st St NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402
Cedar Rapids 42nd Street 4051 42nd St NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402
Cedar Rapids F Avenue 3406 F Ave NW Cedar Rapids IA 52405
Cedar Rapids First Avenue 1800 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402
Cedar Rapids Main 101 3rd Ave SW Cedar Rapids IA 52404
East Office 35701st Ave NE Cedar Rapids IA 52402
First Avenue 150 1st Ave NE Cedar Rapids IA 52407
Southgate Mail 500 33rd Ave SW Cedar Rapids IA 52404
Westdale Mall 2600 Edgewood Rd SW Cedar Rapids IA 52404
Williams Boulevard 3010 Williams Blvd Cedar Rapids IA 52404
Clarion 119 Central Ave W. Clarion IA 50525
Clive 9801 University Ave Clive IA 50325
Hickman Rd 8700 Hickman Rd Clive IA 50322
University Ave 9999 University Ave Clive IA 50322
Coralville 1150 5th St Coralville IA 52241
Dallas Center 1414 Walnut Dallas Center IA 50063
Brady St Driveup 5309 N Brady St Davenport IA 52806
Davenport Downtown 203 W 3rd St Davenport IA 52801
Davenport Main Motorbank 128 W 3rd St Davenport IA 52801
Hickory Grove Office 2626 Hickory Grove Rd Davenport IA 52804
Kimberly Driveup 1 707 E Kimberly Rd Davenport IA 52807
North Main 1618 N Main Davenport IA 52803
Northpark Mail 320 W Kimberly Rd Davenport IA 52806
Spruce Hills Driveup 3200 E Kimberly Rd Davenport IA 52807
St Ambrose University 518 W Locust St Davenport IA 52809
Utica 4300 E 53rd St Davenport IA 52807
Denison 1109 W Broadway Denison IA 51442
7th Street Branch 115 7th St Des Moines IA 50309
Army Post 600 Army Post Rd Des Moines IA 50315
Beaver Ave 1819 Beaver Ave Des Moines IA 50310
Des Moines Downtown 666 Walnut St Des Moines IA 50309
Douglas 4505 Douglas Ave Des Moines IA 50310
Euclid 1320 E Euclid Des Moines IA 50316
Euclid 2505 E Euclid Ave Des Moines IA 50317
Fleur 4121 Fleur Des Moines IA 50321
Hubbell Ave 3710 Hubbell Ave Des Moines IA 50317
Ingersoll 2840 Ingersoll Des Moines IA 50312
Ingersoll Ave 3425 Ingersoll Ave Des Moines IA 50312
Merle Hay Rd 4343 Merle Hay Rd Des Moines IA 50310
Wells Fargo Card Services 7000 Vista Dr Des Moines IA 50266
Wells Fargo Financial 206 8th St Des Moines IA 50309
Dexter 825 Marshall St Dexter IA 50070
Crossroads Office 406 S 25th St Fort Dodge IA 50501
Fort Dodge Main 822 Central Ave Fort Dodge IA 50501
Grinnell 4th Avenue Office 833 4th Ave Grinnell IA 50112
Grinnell 5th Ave Office 619 5th Ave Grinned IA 50112
Indianola Office 509 N Jefferson Indianola IA 50125
Iowa City 112 So. Dubuque St Iowa City IA 52240
Jefferson 200 W State St Jefferson IA 50129
Johnston 5880 Merle Hay Rd Johnston IA 50131
NW 86th St 5440 NW 86th St Johnston IA 50131
Knoxville 102 S 2nd St Knoxville IA 50138
Laporte 508 Hwy 218 N Laporte City IA 50651
Marion 340 7th Ave Marion IA 52302
Marshalltown 102 S Center St Marshalltown IA 50158
Marshalltown Lobby 2703 S Center St Marshalltown IA 50158
Mason City Main 10 N Washington Ave Mason City IA 50401
West Office 1315 4th St SW Mason City IA 50401
Ottumwa Main 231 W 2nd St Ottumwa IA 52501
Pella 712 Washington Pella IA 50219
Perry 1st Ave 12241st Ave Perry IA 50220
Perry Plaza Shopping Center 3991st Ave Perry IA 50261
Pleasant Hill 1055 NE 56th St Pleasant Hill IA 50317
Redfield 9171st St Redfield IA 50233
Mercy Medical Center 801 5th St Sioux City IA 51102
Morningside 2015 S St Aubin St Sioux City IA 51106
Sioux City Main 600 4th St Sioux City IA 51101
Southern Hills 4360 Sergeant Rd Sioux City IA 51106
Westside 2220 Hamilton Blvd Sioux City IA 51104
Urbandale 8301 Douglas Ave Urbandale IA 50322
Van Meter 720 Main St Van Meter IA 50261
Kimball 3965 Kimball Ave Waterloo IA 50702
Waterloo Main 191 W 5th St Waterloo IA 50701
Waukee 110 Hwy 6 Waukee IA 50263
Country Club 13631 University West Des Moines IA 50325
E.P.True Pkwy 5003 E.P. True Pkwy West Des Moines IA 50265
Prospect 1208 Prospect West Des Moines IA 50265
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 7001 Westown Pkwy West Des Moines IA 50266
West Des Moines 655 S 50th St West Des Moines IA 50265
Woodward 217 S Main Woodward IA 50261