Hello, members and friends!
We are having our monthly meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m. A big thank you to Carrie Chapman, who will be providing barbecue pork sandwiches, chips, and cookies for all of us to enjoy before and during the meeting. The food is free, but please feel free to donate any amount you can to cover costs. Our speaker Monday night will be Des Moines City Council member Josh Mandelbaum. He will be discussing bus service with us and anything we might do to fight for its continuance.
Doors open at 5 at the Iowa Department for the Blind, located at 524 4th Street. The meeting begins at 5:30. Below is a Zoom link for those who cannot make it in person. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via phone, 515-418-1143, or via email, dolinsekcody@gmail.com. Take good care.
Cody Dolinsek,
ICUB, Des Moines Chapter President
Call 1-866-436-0141 for zoom information.