Hi Everyone,
It is hard to believe we are just days away from convention. I’m super excited to see you all there.
I wanted to send out one final reminder of times for our break out sessions on Friday afternoon. Sign-up is still open for you if you wish. They begin on Friday afternoon at 2:00and will go through 5:00. So, when you finish one, you are able to join the other. If you are interested in joining us for either the ballroom dancing lesson with Lisa Davis, or the instructor lead art project with Madilyn Mayberry and Denise Bean, email or call me to get on the list.
You are still able to register for convention if you haven’t already done so. At this time it is too late to sign up for meals at the convention; however, if you still want to join us for the meetings either in-person or virtual, please visit our website to get registered. https://www.icublind.org/event-sign-up Virtual sign-up deadline is noon on Thursday. The registration table at the convention will be open on Friday afternoon 4:00 – 6:30, and then on Saturday morning from 7:30 – 5:30.
Please let us know if you have questions; it is not too late to join us for convention.
Bettina, ICUB President