Good Morning!
Below you will find the next several selections for our book club. Everyone is welcome to join in our discussions. Watch for upcoming reminders for Zoom information. Have a great day.3/29/2023 Little heathens: hard times and high spirits on an Iowa farmduring the Great Depression DB66967 Kalish, Mildred Armstrong Readingtime: 9 hours, 19 minutes Retired English professor's memoir of herchildhood in 1930s rural Iowa, a time Kalish describes as "quite aromp." Recalls years of deprivation and hard work mitigated by simplerewards. Discusses daily life and the influence of religion andliterature, and describes family members whose lessons shaped herupbringing. 2007.4/12/2023 It's never too late: make the next act of your life the bestact of your life DB103314 Gifford, Kathie Lee Faith-centered memoirfrom a former host on the Today show. She describes her childhood, herrelationship with God, her early TV fame with co-host Regis Philbin,and more. She shares advice that it is never too late to change yourlife and make a difference in the world. Unrated. Commercialaudiobook. 2020.4/26/2023 Forty Autumns DB101454 Willner, Nina A former Americanmilitary intelligence officer recounts her experiences with herfamily's division by the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. She detailsher own escape from East to West Germany and subsequent move toAmerica, as well as her daughter's intelligence work in Berlin meremiles from their German relatives. Unrated. Commercial audiobook.2016. State of Wonder DB73464 Padget, Ann Vogel Pharmaceutical sendspharmacologist Marina Singh to Amazonian Brazil to locate elusiveemployee Dr. Annick Swenson, who was once Singh's professor. Whileinvestigating the status of Swenson's fertility-drug research, Singhalso hopes to uncover the fate of colleague Anders Eckman, whomSwenson reported dead. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2011.